Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just getting out of a funk

Hello everyone!

My name is Graham Shonfield and I have decided to put more effort into this blog. I'm also hoping that this can be a way that people can get caught up in my life so they know what's going on.

Well I'm working on my film now. I have finally decided that there's no use in procrastinating anymore and I need to get with the program. I have literally been doing nothing since I got home from Shad Valley Carleton two weeks ago. I have seen a few friends and I have successfully defeated Twinmold in the Stone Tower and just yesterday I collected all the masks in Majora's mask. That is literally what I have been doing for the past little while.

Something last night changed me though, I was talking to an old friend that I had met on one my volunteer trips overseas. And I'm not sure how many times I'll have to learn this lesson but I was of course judging her because I felt that she kept talking and complaining to get attention from us and she wanted our support. I gave that to her face value only because in my head I was thinking 'omg can this girl just stop complaining, she just wants attention and her life really isn't that bad, she just chooses to make it worse.' That's honestly what I was thinking about for one of my really good friends. Later, when it was just the two of us we just start talking and I ask her a few things, like why she need attention, why does she feel so much pressure from society? And she just starts talking about her life and how difficult certain things have been. She felt overwhelmed by everything that was happening to her, and her friends at school were being completely unsympathetic, kinda like me before I knew the whole story.

So now I feel so much more sympathetic and I find that I see her in a different light and now honestly, I consider her a really good friend and I will always be there for her. I could never completely relate to what she is going through, so as a good friend, I will be a person she can talk to because I know understand where she is coming from.

Funny how life works eh? I think I have always prejudged people then when I get the whole story, my mind completely changes.

Last night we were also talking about regrets and how we should live without anything, and I thought to myself, if I don't finish editing this film, I'll regret it so here I am working hard to get it done! It's like a fucking 100 page thesis!

That's kinda my motto for the documentary I'm currently editing, unfortunately I feel that because I was only there for 6 weeks and because I only had 4 days to film everything, I might not be able to tell the whole story, but i will do my best to give an adequate representation of what their life is like.

BOYS: I'm excited to see the guy I'm interested in, I honestly can't wait for this month to be over so we can reconnect. I really hope it'll work out for the best, I'm 99% sure that it will but part of me is nervous to see him, to see if we still have that magic that we started out with. To see if I still like him as much as I think I do. I'm also worried because I'm a little worry wart and often like to over think things. All I know is that this year will be my best and I can't wait for it to get going!

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