Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How I got involved in volunteering at Gull Bay

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to quickly write down how I got involved in volunteering on a first nation reserve. The idea to volunteer at a first nation reserve was something that I had always thought about doing ever since my first trip to Kenya. I only started to seriously want to volunteer at a First Nation reserve when my friend Emily Dunbar came back from Katimavik, where she stayed in Iqaluit, and told me that it was the best experience of her life. After hearing that, I seriously wanted to go. I couldn't find any organizations that did trips up to Canadians reserves, other than global citizens but I didn't want to go for only a week, SO I started to look outside the box. I started to ask everyone I knew about if they had contacts in First Nation reserves, I got a few potentials here and there but nothing really serious.

I then finally asked my Member of Parliament, Bruce Hyer, if I could volunteer at a reserve in his riding area. He just said flat out 'YES' and I was so excited. He then got me in contact with Chief Wilfred King who so graciously accepted my offer to volunteer up at his reserve. The final plans were finalized about a week before I was scheduled to leave, so it was very rushed yet incredibly exciting time.

I think I'll write a full length blog about my experiences up at Gull Bay sometime soon but until then, have a great day guys and remember if you want something, just start asking people for it and eventually someone will say Yes.

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