Monday, March 4, 2019

As a gay man, I 100% agree with Terry Crews

As a gay man, I 100% agree with Terry Crews

Terry Crews came under fire today for saying the most (Trigger warning for those SJWs among us) *shocking* thing ever: A child needs both a mother and father. And I, as a gay man, in a homosexual relationship, agree with him 100%.

He tweeted: ‘I’ve reiterated many times that same sex couples and single parents can successfully raise a child. But I believe paternal AND maternal love are like vitamins and minerals to humanity. No matter where you get that paternal and maternal love.’

This is not news. I don’t believe he’s homophobic, and if he is, he has a reason to be. Remember when he came out and said a guy sexually assaulted him? Many heralded him as a hero, but today those same people who thought he was courageous, think he’s a bigot who hates gay people. And after being assaulted by a gay person, I can understand if he's not an ally.

But I don't believe he’s not a bigot. He’s a man who got sexually assaulted by another man, who also thinks that it’s best for a child to have a mother and a father. This is not a political crazy statement. This is what most people think.

As a gay man, I also think it’s best for a child to have both a father and a mother. And as a man who is likely to have a husband, I have been thinking about how my children will have a motherly presence in their lives. Whether it’s their biological mother or an aunt, I want my child to have a maternal presence. My mother’s love is so important to me and I want my child to have that kind of love.

All in all, Terry Crews is a man with an opinion, and he has the right to share that opinion and not be called a monster. Especially when deep down, we all know he’s right. They might not be severely malnourished, but they are missing something eh?

Here’s some more photos of what he tweeted:

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